Yokohama Cherry Blossom Photo Tours
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Friday, December 28, 2018
By Japan Dreamscapes
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Yokohama Chery Blossom Tours should include Motomachi Park.  Motomachi Park has something for every type of photographer when it comes to cherry blossom photo tours.  The park itself is tucked away in central Yokohama, many local residents make the park a resting place on their return from shopping.  Being close to downtown, the background of the sakura’s natural beauty is contrasted by the shiny metal of skyscrapers and Yokohama’s cityscape.  Another feature that sets Motomachi Park apart for Cherry Blossom Photo Tours is the amount of Meiji period western buildings.  You may forget what time period you’re visiting Japan.  Your Japan Dreamscapes Photography Workshop Leader has a few specific locations that the locals also enjoy that he will recommend for you as you explore the park grounds.  And, although, not part of the park, Christ Church is right across the street and makes for an awe-inspiring background with its more than 100 year old tower.  


Yamashita Park is another must see location.  It combines the elegance of cherry blossoms with the serenity of the sea.  It is famous annually for the amount of superb photography that is generated within the park grounds, and you can join this fraternity of elite photographers by taking your own amazing snapshots.  The park also hold flowers that reflect the changing seasons in Japan, so you will be able to enjoy them as well as you tour the park.  As Yokohama is famous for its maritime appeals, you may employ the NYK Hikawa Maru, an ocean liner from the 1930s as a  backdrop for some of your photos.  At the correct angle, the sakura will look as if they have been sketched onto the bow of the ship.  Another piece of remarkable scenery is the Yokohama Marine Tower which yet one more frame you can place around your cherry blossom photos.  You will definitely have the Cherry Blossom Photography Tour of a lifetime.

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