Reflection on 3.11 Tohoku Earthquake & Tsunami
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Thursday, March 11, 2021
By Japan Dreamscapes Photography Tours
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3.11.2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami disaster.  We’re relieved to see the rebuilding progressing, but there is still so much more to do.  The Kanto region is still suffering from residual Cesium after the explosion, which effects are still not made public and are somewhat unknown, and there is more radiation in the water off the west coast of the USA and Canada than there is along the Sea of Japan in Niigata.  Moreover, there are 1,000 year old markers warning people where they should and shouldn’t build in Japan that have been largely ignored, moved from their original location, or buried.  Sadly after every natural disaster or war, there are rampant sexual assaults, which need to stop.  The sexual assault victims of Fukushima are now starting to speak out partially due to the #metoo movement and arrests of influential people worldwide; in Japan, several arrests have been made, and all should be brought to justice.  

If you’d like to help with the rebuilding and healing process for the land and the people, there’s a link attached to this post.  If you enter the search term ‘3.11’ there, it will donate 10 yen to restoration efforts.

Donation Link

What pains us the most at Dreamscapes Photography Association is the effect this has had on Japan’s beautiful nature and the impact on the natural world around the globe.  Everyone on the team hopes that people will learn from their mistakes and make better choices in the future to protect the world for everyone, but with the global pandemic and all the choices we’ve seen being made, we’re concerned now more than we’ve ever been about what the future holds.

Effects of Natural Disaster due to Fukushima Booklet


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