Natural Phenomenon and Seasons
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Wednesday, October 03, 2018
By Japan Dreamscapes
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Natural phenomenon clearly demarcate the seasons all over the world, but in Japan it’s akin to bearing witness to one dreamscape and then waking up to find yourself in another, a different version of paradise focused on an equally beautiful natural creation.  In autumn, of course, there are the magnificent leaves changing color, and come spring, the infamous sakura, or cherry blossom, that adorns the entire nation at varying times during the season determined by latitudes and longitudes nationwide.


Now that autumn has truly begun, we are already looking forward to Hokkaido photo tours and natural wildlife that the photo ops those tours provide during winter.  Autumn’s palette may be red, yellow, orange, and green, but winter in Japan is defined by contrasts of the snow, the shades of black and gray from the rugged landscapes, and the colors provided by the primal additions of the Yezo deer, Yezo red foxes, Steller’s sea eagles and others.  The Japan Dreamscapes tour leaders will take you to locations with the highest probability of witnessing and photographing the wildlife and natural beauty that Hokkaido and other winter locations have to offer.


If you want the photo adventure of a lifetime, then Japan Dreamscapes is happy to help make your dreams a reality!

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