Mount Fuji Autumn Photo Tours often include the Kawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival which starts on November 1st and lasts until November 23rd, but this festival is only one of many vantage points from which to enjoy the brilliant reds, golds, and oranges that the fall brings to Mt. Fuji.
Many of the locations are well-documented as being superb photo op locations, but having spent more than 20 years photographing and enjoying the natural wonder that is Fujisan with its resplendent autumn leaves garland surrounding it, there are a few settings that the Japan Dreamscapes Photography Tour Leaders naturally gravitate toward when guiding clients around one of the Fuji Five Lakes.
Myohoji Temple is one of the lesser known spots for photography in the Lake Kawaguchi area, but being just a shade off the beaten path doesn’t diminish the magnificence of the Japanese Maples that skirt the temple and dot the grounds. The temple dates back more than 500 years, and you can enjoy the interplay of the historic temple and the lustrous maple leaves in their autumn colors.
Shishidome Power Plant is another photo op that most visiting photographers miss. In the sea of humanity milling about the shores of Kawaguchiko, many people simply look past the high fence that restrains the natural beauty of the waterway intake. The intake has been designated a tangible cultural property of Japan. The desire of the Japanese artisans to transform an aqueduct into something so finely crafted that it merited designation as a cultural property is amazing in and of itself, but with the crown of multi-colored leaves, it makes an even more impressive shutter chance. Your JDS Photo Tour Guide will help you focus on the natural and crafted beauty around you as you spend time photographing on your Mount Fuji Autumn Leaves Photo Tour.
The final recommendation is titled the ‘Solitary Momiji’. On the northern shore of Lake Kawaguchi is a small grove of maple trees with one outlier distinguishing itself from the others. Your JDS Photography Workshop Guide will help you get to the best locations where you can photograph Fujisan and Unoshima Island with the Solitary Maple Tree fluttering as a frame around your perfectly composed photograph. Alone, you may miss it, but your JDS Photo Tour Leader will make sure you capture photos you will never forget.