Kifune Shrine Photography
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Friday, November 09, 2018
By Japan Dreamscapes
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Kyoto is home to man special places in Japanese history, and one of those locations is the Kifune Shrine where you can enjoy Kifune Shrine Photography.


The story of Kifune Shrine is a remarkable one.  As the legend relates, a goddess embarked upon a river journey from Osaka by boat all the way to mountains that now make up the city of Kyoto.  The spot where she ended her journey is where the shrine now stands.  The pristine beauty of the goddess maiden’s final destination remains for you to enjoy on your photo tour of Kyoto.  Even now, there is a large rock called the Boat Stone which demarcates where the the boat is believed to be buried near the shrine.


Also famous in the area are the kaiseki, or many course Japanese meals.  The artfulness with which they are prepared qualify them as modern works of art.  Before you begin your culinary delight, we at Japan Dreamscapes (JDS) recommend that you take a moment and photograph your delicious meals to provide evidence to your friends and family about the remarkably high level food you enjoyed on your JDS adventure.


While enjoying the shrine, you can also enjoy the trails and alpine elements surrounding the shrine and enjoy the balance of nature with the numerous photo ops around you as you enjoy the one hour hike rom Kifune to the nearby Kurama-dera, a mountain temple.  Every step is a new opportunity to capture the winter glory of Kyoto during the winter.

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