Japan's Natural Treasure Trove
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Friday, October 12, 2018
By Japan Dreamscapes
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Hokkaido is Japan’s Natural Treasure Trove.  Many species of wildlife thrive there, and Hokkaido is also home to unparalleled landscapes.  For example, the Kushiro Wetlands have been a national park since 1987, and it was converted to protective status to support the Japanese Cranes during their annual migration.  Moving from lowlands to Japanese highlands, the Otowashi Bridge is another famous spot on Hokkaido Photo Tours for photographing the Red-crowned Cranes as they take a moment’s respite before rejoining their formidable journey.  From the blue hour to the golden hour, the cranes can be seen awakening and readying themselves for flight.


For the more rugged, Lake Rausu awaits.  Because so few people visit and trek its six kilometer perimeter, the lake has been called the ‘Lake of Illusion’.  We at Japan Dreamscapes think the nickname has been applied for an entirely different reason.  The photos of Steller’s Sea Eagles and Japanese cranes will be so wondrous that you will think that you have entered a dream realm where you hold sway over nature as you snap picture after picture, every one gallery worthy.


Another casket of treasure resides in the caldera of Akan National Park.  Lake Mashuko is considered to be the clearest lake in the world.  Gazing wistfully into the reflective waters of Lake Mashuko, you can see the beauty of the natural surroundings and capture it to relive your dreamscape adventure whenever you look upon your photographic record or your Hokkaido Winter Tour.  Even if the lake is shrouded in fog, it still represents a conjuration of paradise brought to Hokkaido.

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