Hokkaido Photo Tour - Today at Mt. Fuji
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Tuesday, February 21, 2023
By Japan Dreamscapes Photography Tours
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Field Report from Our Main Hokkaido Photo Workshop Leader!

I am currently at Mt. Fuji leading my annual Mt. Fuji, Snow Monkey, World of the Samurai, and Hokkaido Wildlife Birding Landscape Photography Workshop with a full complement of participants, the number of participants being cut in half due to my safety protocols which are very similar to ones I drew up years ago while dealing with Ebola in West Africa.  And with my stringent safety protocols everyone who has participated in any of my recent photo workshops parted company from me virus free, and I will keep these same protocols in place until the pandemic reaches the epidemic phase.  Today, we were enjoying Japan’s iconic peak and power spot Mt. Fuji; it’s especially breathtaking during mid-winter, even on a cloudy day.
My annual Hokkaido wildlife photography workshop is so in demand, that both 2023 and 2024 are fully booked, and 2025 is half full already.  Your options are either waitlist, or contact me and sign up for 2025 - The No. 1 Steller’s Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus) Birding Photo workshop tour.  Join me and participants on Japan’s No.1 all inclusive business class Mt. Fuji, Snow Monkey, World of the Samurai, Hokkaido Winter Wildlife Birding Landscape Photography Workshop which includes the Shima Enaga (Aegithalos caudatus japonicus), Steller’s Sea Eagle and other raptors as well as Ezo Hokkaido Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes schrencki) annually with a Valentine’s Day start, February 14th - 25th.

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