Focus Point Photography - Japan Dreamscapes
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Thursday, April 16, 2020
By Japan Dreamscapes Photography Tours
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Today's blog is based on some helpful hints from one our photo workshop leaders, Blain Harasymiw.

Focus Point & Tack-Sharp photography with no intrusive reflections is easier to achieve than most perceive. First, my settings for this product shoot were f/16, 1/80s, ISO 64. Camera Nikon D800, lens Nikon 28-70 f2.8. Lighting aside and studio setup, for now... The most important tool/technique in photography for landscape and any other theme is your focal point; if my focal point were on the large back stone or the three foreground turquoise stones, this image's entirety would not be tack-sharp. If you know the technique/math I used to find the proper focal point or would care to guess, I would love to hear your thoughts. In a day or so, I will contribute more details about this image and focal points and their importance, plus other images on different posts. Namaste, Blain in Japan

Tags: #hints
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