Assembling a Photo Tour
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Friday, October 19, 2018
By Japan Dreamscapes
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Assembling a photo tour in Japan means thinking of all the destinations and how they contribute to a client enjoying the tour as a whole.  Take, for example, the Mt. Fuji, Snow Monkeys, and Landscapes Tour for this winter.  The Japan Dreamscapes (JDS) Workshop Leaders discuss not only what elements they think are essential to filling the days with premiere photography but also taking into account activity level and time to give personal instruction and the right amount of time to enjoy each separate destination.


Mt. Fuji is a star feature of any Japan photo tour, but even this iconic peak can benefit from a retinue of landscapes to add breadth to a tour’s experience.  Hakone is only 75 kilometers from Tokyo’s Shinjuku district, but it is a different world of experiences.  The views from this volcanic lake leave some thinking they don’t need to see Fujisan from any other way.  Ashiko is also host to cruise ships that allow you another perspective as you look back at the shore with the snow-capped forest and Mt. Fuji in the in the background.


Another must see location is the Tokaido Road, an ancient samurai path connecting Kyoto and Edo (modern day Tokyo), and as you photograph your surroundings, you will be treading the same ground as thousands of priests, samurais, and others have done for hundreds of years.  Photo Tours in Japan often reflect the rich history of Japan while simultaneously providing spectacular photographic subjects.

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