Akita Photo Tours - A Vista for Every Taste
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Saturday, June 22, 2019
By Japan Dreamscapes
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The Shirakami-Sanchi area is famous for being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so, of course, it is also the focus of Akita Photo Tours.  A few areas in particular have piqued the interest of our veteran photo workshop leaders.  Akita is a Japanese prefecture that is an excellent place to chase the light for that once in a lifetime photo.


As spring begins to slowly give way to summer, one type of photo comes to mind quite a lot, natural landscapes.  City photography is perpetually tantalizing, especially a Japan Dreamscapes (JDS) Tokyo Evening Photo Tour, but an Akita Photo Workshop includes Mt. Futatsumori, or the Mountain of Two Forests, which provides a breathtaking panoramic photo from its peak.  The mountain is a little more than 1,000 meters in height, but the activity level is relatively low, so anyone can reach the summit of this mountain.  As you climb, your JDS Photography Workshop Guide will make sure you are capturing the best shots as you make your way to the top of Mt. Futatsumori.  Once you have finished your climb, you will be greeted with lush greenery as far as the eye can see, thousands of pristine beech trees will fill your entire field of view as well as the Sea of Japan in the background as a photographic reward for your dedication on your photo adventure.


The House of Kaneyu is another recommended stop on your Akita Photo Tour.  Transitioning from natural landscapes, The House of Kaneyu is a treasure for those visiting photographers who are interested in architectural subjects.  The building was originally a luxury restaurant first opened in middle of the Meiji Period of Japan in 1890.  It received a dramatic renovation in 1937 and has been preserved since that date.  The precision woodworking, the magnificent garden, and the high quality Akita Prefecture Cedar wood used in the building reflect the value of this building as a tangible cultural property.  Strolling around the outside or enjoying the vast halls inside, you will be greeted by seemingly endless photo ops for your Akita Photo Tour.


The final location is a spiritual retreat for your Akita Photo Tour.  The Taho-in Temple is a model for pastoral clarity.  The temple was built in 1771, and has been maintained ever since as a bastion of spiritual calm in the area, keenly integrated into the natural landscape.  The temple represents both an architectural photo op as well as natural ones.  The garden is said to be modeled on the style of Kyoto’s Ginkakuji, the silver pavilion in Kyoto.  Another rarity, which may require video as well as photographic preservation are the nightingale boards that cover the temple’s floors.  The boards chirp as you stride across them so that no one may enter unannounced.  The perimeter of the temple is also decorated with weeping cherry blossoms, so during the spring season, the temple is famous for its hanami, or cherry blossom viewing.


In short, there is something for all types of visiting photographers on an Akita Photo Tour.

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