At the beginning of the Taisho Era, which lasted from 1912 - 1926 also marked the beginning of Mato Park. This Cherry Blossom Photo Destination had over 2,000 different trees planted for the enthronement of the Taisho Emperor.
Akita Prefecture is known in Japan for its natural beauty and Mato Park is an extension of the striking aesthetic for which the prefecture is famous. The cherry trees that occupy this Imperial Park are of the Somei-yoshino with some wild cherry trees to offer some accents to the views you can enjoy while strolling the park’s avenues and enjoying the ample photo ops.
The majesty of this park and the cherry blossoms that occupy it has elevated this location as one of the finest hanami, or sakura viewing, in Akita Prefecture and the entire nation of Japan. The pond that constitutes the park’s center makes for an impressive reflection for photographs during your Cherry Blossom Photography Workshop. It’s almost as if you’re enjoying two magnificent views in the same photo. An excellent back drop to the park and its beautiful sakura is Mt. Mato and its tightly packed pine trees providing a lush, green background to the lilt of pink on the predominantly white blossoms from the park’s sakura.